V I R T U A L Practice

J O I N  me for CLASSES on Zoom!

I’ve been working hard to figure out how I can stay in touch with you and continue to give you a healthy break in these uncertain times.

As you know, the studio’s I teach at are temporarily closed, but I will be holding weekly classes online via Zoom!

There may be glitches, snags and missteps – but I appreciate your support and patience as we navigate into a bit of the unknown. Most importantly… we’re all in this together.

I am excited to be able to bring you classes in a whole NEW format, and to continue practicing the yoga we all need now, more than ever. 

All you will need is a mat, and to download the free ZOOM app on your phone, tablet or laptop to participate. (android + ios compatible)

Click on a class below for description + to register *Classes in EDT (NY), CDT +6 hours, PDT -3 hours*

B O D Y (60-minutes)

Relax + Restore / Sunday’s / 4 pm (EST)

Therapeutic Stretch Lab / Tuesday’s / 7 pm (EST)

P R I V A T E S / S E M I – P R I V A T E S


W I N T E R   S O L S T I C E    practice

 @Good Karma YOGA , Peekskill NY

F R I D A Y,  D E C E M B E R  14th    

7pm -8:30pm

go deep, find your stability, gain insight

This special one night workshop will focus on relaxation, stillness and breath as we head into the WINTER SOLSTICE, a practice of being reflective and gaining insight to make way for your future potential.

The darkness of the winter solstice invites us to turn inward, tend our roots, to be still and quiet and to honor the fullness of our embodiment; body, breath, mind, heart. This practice is a place to plant the seed of intention for the coming season and to be grateful for the wisdom winter brings in teaching us about the need for withdrawal as an essential part of renewal.  All are welcome.

 R E G I S T E R