Like many body systems, our immune system becomes less efficient as we age due to a variety of factors such as everyday stress, a poor diet, lifestyle choices, environmental pollutants and more. In order to continually operate at peak efficiency your immune system needs a variety of nutrients.
During these times of uncertain health concerns, take your immunity to the next level with these supplements:
B E G I N N E R ‘ S S E R I E S I N T R O D U C T I O N TO K A T O N A H Y O G A W I N T E R P R A C T I C E
KATONAH YOGA ® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan of Katonah Yoga Center over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Framing the practice, maps of time and personal space are defined and refined. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices. Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern belies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight. Disciplined techniques are organized for revelation through revolutions.
In this five part series you will be taught a commingling of classical Hatha yoga poses integrated with theories of sacred geometry and measure that serve to develop stability, ability, vision and dimension, peppered with Pranayama to move breath through the body’s terrain, serving as a conduit between the body and mind to soothe the soul and build an identity. The goal of the practice is to become whole, in order to live a life of integrity and happiness.
Participate in your own well being, all you have to do is show up. Whether you are new to yoga or someone who has practiced elsewhere, Katonah Yoga will be new to you. S A T U R D A Y S 10:45am – 12pm DATES: 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2 $125 for series
This special one night workshop will focus on relaxation, stillness and breath as we head into the WINTER SOLSTICE, a practice of being reflective and gaining insight to make way for your future potential.
The darkness of the winter solstice invites us to turn inward, tend our roots, to be still and quiet and to honor the fullness of our embodiment; body, breath, mind, heart. This practice is a place to plant the seed of intention for the coming season and to be grateful for the wisdom winter brings in teaching us about the need for withdrawal as an essential part of renewal. All are welcome.
F R I D A Y, February 2nd 6:30pm – 8pm @ Breathe Pilates + Yoga 83 N. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua, NY 10514 $40
Come inside from out in the thick of the cold of WINTER into a heated environment that will allow for a deeper letting go while you unwind and de-stress the body and mind.
This special one night workshop will focus on relaxation, stillness and breath in a class designed around the WINTER practice of being reflective and gaining insight through deepening your understanding of hip openers, forward folds and twists.
Do you have health insurance for your pet? You are not alone if the answer is NO, less than 1% of people do.
Vet visits can be expensive, better to pay a little at a time with a low premium than thousands of dollars out of pocket when your pet needs a visit.
I have Healthy Paws Pet Insurance for all four of my fur babies and I pay less than $70/month. (90% reimbursement on claims and a $250 deductible)
Healthy Paws has great coverage, awesome customer service and flexible deductible/reimbursement plans that don’t cost as much was you might think. I did hours of research and found that they are ranked #1 by consumer’s advocate, pet insurance review and Canine Journal to name a few.