S P R I N G is here and one of my favorite things to do is take people on a powerful cleansing and transformational journey!

Are you ready to feel more vibrant and have more energy?

Are you ready to think clearer and be more focused?

Are you wanting to release excess weight and feel lighter?

Claim your V I T A L I T Y !

Spring is the perfect time for cleansing and rejuvenation.

The season supports us in releasing stagnant energy, clearing blockages, and revitalizing our cells, and our very essence.

Feel Energized!

Join me for a potent 4 day juice + yoga cleanse designed to support you in releasing old habits and patterns, and start implementing healthy choices into your life.

We will meet every morning OR evening, your choice;
Tuesday, May 29th through Friday, June 1st to practice yoga and pranayama.

After class you will receive 3 delicious, fresh and organic cold-pressed juices each day, an antioxidant rishi mushroom tea and a Kitchari soup.

7:30am – 8:30am @KATONAH YOGA, Bedford Hills, NY (**Friday’s class, June 1st, will be held from 7am – 8am)
7:30pm – 8:30pm @REMEDY BODYWORKS, Stamford, CT

Let me support you in becoming the best version of yourself!

Full Cleanse $475
Includes 5 yoga classes & 3 organic cold-pressed juices, a tea and soup each day.
Classes Only:  $22 walk in, or all 5 for $100.


I am looking forward to taking this powerful journey of health with you!

 candlelight yin & restorative yoga workshop

W I N T E R  practice

F R I D A Y,  February 2nd
6:30pm – 8pm
@ Breathe Pilates + Yoga
83 N. Greeley Ave.,
Chappaqua, NY 10514

Come inside from out in the thick of the cold of WINTER into a heated environment that will allow for a deeper letting go while you unwind and de-stress the body and mind.  

This special one night workshop will focus on relaxation, stillness and breath in a class designed around the WINTER practice of being reflective and gaining insight through deepening your understanding of hip openers, forward folds and twists.

Open to all levels.   SIGN UP 

Wellness for PETS


meet oliver + lady lala

Do you have health insurance for your pet? You are not alone if the answer is NO, less than 1% of people do.

Vet visits can be expensive, better to pay a little at a time with a low premium  than thousands of dollars out of pocket when your pet needs a visit.

I have Healthy Paws Pet Insurance for all four of my fur babies and I pay less than $70/month. (90% reimbursement on claims and a $250 deductible)

Healthy Paws has great coverage, awesome customer service and flexible deductible/reimbursement plans that don’t cost as much was you might think.  I did hours of research and found that they are ranked #1 by consumer’s advocate, pet insurance review and Canine Journal to name a few.

See for yourself, get a free quote:  HEALTHY PAWS PET INSURANCE

meet oliver, lady lala, monkey and earl grey

New Years Eve R E S T O R A T I V E Class 4:30pm @Katonah Yoga

N E W   Y E A R S   E V E   YOGA

4:30PM – 5:45PM

Intention  Prayer  Alignment
Peace   Strength   Community 

Beloved Yogis.

Join me on New Years Eve for a special yoga practice letting go of 2017 and birthing 2018.

This is an all levels candlelight R E S T O R A T I V E class filled with intention, connection and prayer.

I wish you a blessed and beautiful transition as we move through our final couple days of 2017.


W O R K S H O P: Bundle Dying

W O R K S H O P: Bundle Dying

@McArdle’s Florist & Garden Center (Greenwich, CT)

Saturday, October 28th

2pm – 4pm

Participants will learn the basics of bundle dying with natural materials.  You will work with natural dyes including local botanical materials as well as McArdel’s past bloom flowers and sourced materials such as quebracho, logwood and madder root.

Learn how to choose and prepare textiles for dyeing, how the process of bundle dyeing extracts color from natural materials and use the techniques learned in this workshop to create a bundle dyed silk scarf.

For more information and to sign up:  Bundle Dye Workshop 

W O R K S H O P: R O P E S + C H A I R S

W O R K S H O P : R O P E S + C H A I R S

S A T U R D A Y, April 29th

2pm – 4pm

@Katonah Yoga

41 Main St., Bedford Hills, NY 10507


please pre-register to hold your space: paypal.me/moniquemichaels

Working with the rope wall as your primary tool offers the opportunity to experience yoga postures with support and greater ease. Utilizing gravity, geometry, traction and the wall as a map allowing the practitioner to define boundaries, discover alignment and balance while feeling supported and helping to build confidence, strength and flexibly of the body and mind.





Cranberry Lake Preserve
Cranberry Lake Preserve


August 20th | 9am – 11am | $25

Take your practice off the mat and into the world.

Join me on a hike through the beautiful Cranberry Lake Preserve and a yoga class at the top of the rock quarry!

All ages welcome, beginners too!



a time to enJOY and Relax….

Recommended Class Of The Week

RELAX DEEPLY 6:00-7:15pm

Join Monique Michaels for an evening of deep rest and relaxation to open your shoulders, heart and lower back! Treat your Valentines sweetheart on Friday, February 13th at 6pm. Bring a friend, brother, sister, mother, father… All levels including Beginners are welcome to participate in a special evening of Restorative Yoga 🙂

Stay after for some Hot Chai tea and Chocolate treats!

$22 per person

Sage & The Flying Buddha

6 Maple Ave, Armonk  www.flyingyogany.com

914-273-7975 (registration is suggested)

Follow Sage & the Flying Buddha on Facebook!


2015 Restorative Yoga Workshop, Chappaqua NY

Happy New Year!  

Did you set a New Year’s Intention to Relax, De-Stress and become more healthy this year?  

Treat yourself to a Restorative Yoga Workshop one Sunday a month

 @ Breathe Pilates and Yoga, Chappaqua, NY

Open to all levels, this blend of restorative yoga, breath techniques, and meditation will unwind and de-stress body and mind. The perfect transition from weekend to week ahead, gain skills and benefits that stay with you in day-to-day life. 
  • Learn postures that stabilize blood pressure, heart rate, and brain function. 
  • Practice guided meditation and basic breath techniques for the emergence of innate healing capacity and a relaxing effect.

January 18th, February 15 and March 15th  // 6pm – 7:15pm

Register for one $35 or all three $90 … Beginners to yoga and All levels welcome 🙂 

Click Here to Register


Get your greens on… in Bedford Hills, NY…

Intention Juice @ The Outpost!

Join Intention Juice this weekend at The Outpost in Bedford Village, Saturday, December 6 and Sunday, December 7 from 8 AM to 1:30 PM, for a fresh, beyond organic farmed juice with a new collaboration between John Boys Farm and Intention Juice.

We will always only use the non GMO produce that John outsources and that we are all passionate about.

We at The Outpost, Intention Juice and The August West Foundation are out there to make a difference in our health and how we feed our children! And to educate about food.

Come in to get a Juice, Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner, it’s one the most healthiest choices you can make.

Come in this weekend for a meet and greet and we will show you the love and health of food.